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Section: New Results

Interface conditions for ocean models

Participant : Antoine Rousseau.

In [5] we are interested in the search of interface conditions to couple hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic ocean models. To this aim, we consider simplified systems and use a time discretization to handle linear equations. We recall the links between the two models (with the particular role of the aspect ratio δ=H/L) and introduce an iterative method based on the Schwarz algorithm (widely used in domain decomposition methods). The convergence of this method depends strongly on the choice of interface conditions: this is why we look for exact absorbing conditions and their approximations in order to provide tractable and efficient coupling algorithms.

In [4] we present a study of optimized Schwarz domain decomposition methods for Navier-Stokes equations. Once discretized in time, optimal transparent boundary conditions are derived for the resulting Stokes equations, and a series of local approximations for these nonlocal conditions are proposed. Their convergence properties are studied, and numerical simulations are conducted on the test case of the driven cavity. It is shown that conditions involving one or two degrees of freedom can improve the convergence properties of the original algorithm.